Visual Lab is based at Computing Institute IC/UFF) works in the areas of Computer Vision, Data Visualization Image Processing and Computer Graphics. It is formed by professors, researches and students from the Technological Center (from the departments of Computer Science and Mechanic Engineering) and from Radiology e Neurology's departments of Hospital Universitário Antonio Pedro, as well as o thers regional and internationals institutions.
The major work currently under way is in Biomedical Images, Machine Vision and Visualization for scientific applications. The work is being done in collaboration with ADDLAbs, a number of other UFF departments, regional institutions and industry.
The Visual Lab is part of an CNPq program, Protem-CC, to establish a centre of Industrial Quality Control - Quali-In. Funds are provided by MCT in 1999. The objectives of the Quali-In are to promote research and development in computer vision technologies and their applications to field of industrial inspection. Nowadays The Visual Lab has veceived founds from FAPERJ (Project # E-26/170.259/2006), CAPES(Project ProEng. 021/2008 and ProCAD 224/2007) and also from CNPQ (Project MCT 27/2007).