Learning Mobility of Individuals

Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries


The different phases of the mobility project consist of:
Bilateral travels between Romania and Brazil;

Brazil (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brazil)
  City of Rio de Janeiro (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rio_de_Janeiro)
UFF (http://www.uff.br/)
Institute of Computing (http://www.ic.uff.br/index.php/en-GB/)
Romênia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romania)
  Bucharest City (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bucharest)
University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest (http://www.upb.ro/en/)
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering (http://www.upb.ro/en/the-faculty-of-electrical-engineering.html)

UFF - Universidade Federal Fluminense

Founded on December 18th 1960, Universidade Federal Fluminense – UFF – is one of the largest universities in Brazil, and has been experiencing a huge growth in the number of undergraduate and post-graduate courses, as well as in research and extension activities. It provides around 100 undergraduate courses (classroom teaching and distance learning), more than 50 MA and 30 Doctorate programs. In addition, more than 150 diploma courses. Deeply involved in teaching and research activities, UFF counts on approximately 560 research groups registered at CNPq (Brazillian National Council for Research).  Still in the academic arena, the university offers to its students scientific initiation, innovation, monitoring and internship.

Responsible professors: Aura Conci, Celso Ribeiro, Débora Saade , Leonardo Murta and Vanessa Braganholo.

Students (from UFF to UPB in 2017): Alexandre Ribeiro Silva Júnior:alexandre@iftm.edu.br, Douglas Paulo de Mattos:dougpmattos@gmail.com .

Student (from UFF to UPB in 2019): Rafael Heitor Correia de Mello:rhcmelo@gmail.com

Student (from UPB to UFF in 2022):Bogdan Dumitrana: b.dumitrana@yahoo.com

University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest

UPB is the oldest, the largest, and the most prestigious technical university in Romania . Its traditions go back to the founding of the first higher technical school in 1818 by Gheorghe Lazar. UPB has now 12 schools of Engineering -- five in Mechanical Engineering, three in Electrical and Computer Engineering, one of Power Engineering, one of Chemical Engineering, one of Materials Science, and the Faculty of Engineering Sciences in Foreign Languages (founded July 1990).

Currently, UPB has over 20,000 students, more than 700 postgraduate students pursuing advanced studies, and over 700 postgraduate students enrolled in doctoral studies. Several hundreds foreign students pursue engineering studies at UPB. The teaching and research activities are carried out by over 1,800 full time academic staff, assisted by more than 2,000 technical and auxiliary staff.

Responsible professors: Dorina Popovici and Gabriel Jiga.

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